Wednesday, February 7, 2007

On my Soapbox for a Minute

Today in class I stated my opinion on how I feel minority groups should be addressed.

Because I have been in situations where I am the minority and have talked to individuals about their minority status, I feel very passionate about this topic. When we refer to others as “they”, “those people”, or say things like, “that’s what they do”, or “you know how those people are” we are doing nothing but perpetuating a stereotype.

Please be aware of the stereotypes in your head and consciously try to avoid using degrading and generalized terms. When we are aware of stereotypes we can change our schema and pictures in our minds! Address people for who they are – say their name, race, or ethnicity! When we do this we are appreciating a quality that minority groups deem important to their own lives.

Thank you for understanding that this is my personal view, which I am free to post in my own personal blog.

1 comment:

JayGal said...

Hey Emily! Ater class today, I decided to read the blog you were talking about, and I totally agree with you. It bothers me too when people use statements such as, “those people.” Not everyone is the same, and even if we have stereotypes about certain groups of people, it's not fair to generalize "those people" because they are NOT all the same. I think the problem is that some people don't have as much experience with people of other cultures and races than some of their peers do. Without this experience, I think people are more likely to make these types of comments.